Composting Toilets neutralize waste and turns it into 30% of its original weight and size.
They require no water or electricity and eliminates the smell and toxins of human waste.
Enviro Loo (Enviro Options Australia Pty Ltd 2003)
The toilets are perfect for Kiribati with its limited fresh water and energy.
Composting Toilets

Te Maeu Projects has its sights set on helping every outer-island school replace their pit toilet with a composting toilet.
The project is underway and meetings with the Ministry of Sustainability and Infrastructure are ongoing.
Composting toilets are truly an issue of public heath and sustainability.
To the Schools

Current use of pit toilets are harmful
Children are getting sick due to contaminated ground water from the waste left in the ground from pit toilets. The days children are at home sick they could have spent at school, furthering their education.
When the solution to this problem is in our control, something has to be done. Composting toilets eliminate contamination and smells. No water, no electricity, just sustainability and improved health.
Better Health